Recent Projects

Audit of the TAM service run by Gfk

Audit of TAM Ireland service run by Nielsen

South Africa:
Audit review of the BRC Establishment Survey conducted by Nielsen

Saudi Arabia:
Advising the client, MRC, and auditing Nielsen’s setup and operation of the country’s first TAM system

South Africa:
Audit of MAPS consumer/lifestyle survey for Marketers Research Forum (MRF)

Annual audit of Nielsen TAM 2019-2024

Advised on selection of a new Out of Home measurement vendor (Ipsos) and audit of implementation across the Travel Habit Survey and model building in 2023 and 2024

Saudi Arabia:
(2020 – 2024)
Ongoing audit of RPD data for the leading broadcaster MBC

Audit of K Research for the National Media Authority

(2021 and 2023)
Initial and follow-up audits of Audience Project online measurement on behalf of the FIAM industry committee

Audit of Admosphere Armenia

Audit of GfK for CIM

Audit of TMI Media, operating under licence from Kantar.

Advised the Chilean broadcaster group on their new measurement tender, writing specifications and evaluating vendors for a system due to launch in 2022.

South Africa:
Audited the Return Path Data panel run by Kantar for DStv, including an innovative approach to home interviews using automated calls. For more details see our ASI 2020 conference presentation.

Provided consultancy, review and audit to a regional broadcaster establishing a large Return Path Data panel.

From specification to tender to oversight of implementation for a new Establishment Survey, radio and OOH currency for AA Lebanon.
Oversight and audit of the implementation of the new ES into the TAM panel.

South Africa:
(Jul/Aug 2019)
PAMs revised sample design

South Africa:
(Jul/Aug 2019)
Audit of ICASA research

(Feb/Mar 2019)
Radio measurement specification and tender process oversight

South Africa:
(Feb 2019)
TAM panel audit commissioned by the BRC

(Feb/Mar 2019)
Audit of the TAM panel

South Africa:
(May-Jul 2019)
ES sampling audit commissioned by the PRC

(Jul-Oct 2019)
Evaluation and Comparison of online measurement methodologies